Dr. Steve Kieffer


My current main projects are:

Supporting the genetic method, and the history of proof ideas
Argument mapping and annotations for mathematical proofs

Alpine Mathematics

Alpine is a little non-profit org whose main job right now is to host an online edition of PISE (the Proofscape Integrated Study Environment), called PISE Online.

Anyone can request hosting and indexing of Proofscape content repos at PISE Online. Curently, the repos of the Toeplitz Project are hosted there.

Nomadic Software, LLC

In contract work through Nomadic, I recently contributed a new library to the Adaptagrams project, which is a C++ library for constraint-based network layout. Adaptagrams is used in many projects, including Inkscape and the Dunnart layout editor:


The PISE Software was demoed at CICM 2022!

Apart from this, I have a few publications from my graduate work, which included a PhD in Information Visualization at Monash University, a master's degree in Mathematics from Simon Fraser, and a master's degree in Logic & Computation from Carnegie Mellon.

Talks and Posters